Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy 2011, people!!!

Honestly, I cannot believe that's what year it is! It sounds so... futuristic or something. Regardless, here we are. Last year officially over, and ready to take on a new one. I really love the positive boost everyone gets at the new year. We all take a sprint down the diving board and wildly spring ourselves into the new year with confidence and motivation. Of course, everyone is coming up with their new year's resolutions and hoping to stick with them for longer than a month. Or a week. Or a day.

I was trying to come up with my NYR (new year's res.) and I couldn't just pick one. There are so many things I feel I need to improve upon... I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing! So anyway, instead of saying my NYR is to .... [insert a huge list of at least ten activities].... I narrowed it down, and cleverly compiled it all into ONE resolution:
Make a schedule, and stick to it.

I've never been the most organized person, and certainly could never brag about my time management skills, so I figured having a schedule is something I could really benefit from. And on this schedule, I will include all the things I had in mind for NYRs. Things like working out regularly, assigning a certain day to do certain chores, allotting time each day for quiet prayer, posting a new blog every Monday and Thursday, etc. etc.
What are your NYRs? I love hearing unique and challenging ideas. 

As for me, before we get any further into this new year, I'm going to go make that schedule! As a final note, Gemma went out of 2010 with a BANG. On New Year's Eve, surrounded by and with the encouragement of many friends, my little baby finally rolled over back to belly!!! She had rolled over belly to back two weeks before and had been trying SO hard for those following weeks to get back to belly. It was so exciting for me to finally see her do it, because I know how hard she had been working to do figure it out. I was such a proud mama. The best part was, she only had to do it once to understand the whole thing, and then she did it over and over again after that!

I'm so looking forward to 2011, and all the many, many milestones Gemma will reach! So, cheers to a fantastic 2010, and here's to an even better 2011!

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  1. Rolling over is SO exciting!

  2. By the way, yes schedules are AMAZING! Make it and stick with it! It makes everyone happier... from Mama, to Daddy, to Baby!

    I still have the boys on a very tight schedule. I hear some parents have already dropped their kids naps by 2 or 3 years old because it's "too hard" to put them down. Nonsense! Make a schedule and stick to it and they'll go down with it. In time, baby will adjust sleep and not need as much, or nee dmore... so then move the time around a little, but keep the routine the same and all will be wonderful! Elijah's before-nap-routine for like, 2 years, has been Lunch, and STRAIGHT to nap. At 2 years old, he took naps around 11:30, now he takes them between 12:30 or 1, but it's the same routine with it... and it is GREAT!


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