Contrary to what might be assumed by my extremely long bloggy absence, I wanted to assure you all that I am actually alive! I think my break was a combined result of needing some time to really heal from my miscarriage (emotionally and spiritually) as well as the fact that decreased internet usage is part of my Lenten sacrifice this year, so I've just been popping online long enough to briefly (like 10 minutes max) check my emails and FB. I don't count the hours I spent on TurboTax while I filed my taxes :)
Anywho, just wanted to say hi to everyone!! I'm looking forward to entering into Holy Week and finishing out this Lent with fortitude. God has truly stretched my heart this Lent and our relationship has changed... because I have changed in ways that allow me to open myself and surrender myself more fully to his Unchanging Love for me.
So as the Church prepares for Palm Sunday tomorrow, as we remember the crowds preparing the way for Jesus to enter into Jerusalem, I pray that we might all prepare the way for Jesus to enter into our hearts in a way which changes us, for the better.